The extraordinary story of Eli Hyman first came to my attention with the following notice that appeared in the Toronto…
THE following feature profile of Jacob Cohen, a retired Toronto businessman who became Toronto’s first Jewish justice of the peace…
From the Toronto Star Weekly, March 1914 “When constabulary duty’s to be done, A policeman’s lot is not a happy one.”…
From the Toronto Star Weekly, February 21, 1914 Small Sums risked by Regulars in Public Seats By Leo Devaney Just…
From the Toronto Daily Star, May 7, 1907 At the next meeting of the annual conference of the Canadian Chiefs…
From the Toronto Star, September 8, 1938 Charges of petty thieving by peddlers were today discussed by the civic works…
Prelude: Bessie (Besha) Starkman, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, married baker and driver Harry Tobins in Toronto in 1907 and…