Thousands of people across Canada, the United States, Israel and many other countries are related to the Rubinoff and Naftolin families of Toronto, whose ancestors came from the Russian provinces of Minsk and Moghilev (now Belarus) in the early 20th century. Researched and written by Toronto genealogist Bill Gladstone, One Hundred Years in Canada: the Rubinoff-Naftolin Family Tree traces the immigrants’ arduous journeys from Belarus to Canada (and the United States). The narrative was woven from some 200 interviews with family members. Contains more than 600 photographs, maps and illustrations.
Last year I ordered the Rubinoff-Naftolin 100 years in Canada book that you created of our family’s history. It is one of my most prized possessions and I am so glad to have our family’s history beautifully preserved for future generations. — A.G. Toronto (Oct 2024)
Hi Bill! I hope that you are well. I ordered a copy of One Hundred Years in Canada: the Rubinoff-Naftolin Family Tree from you a few years ago. I would like to purchase a few more copies. Please let me know how to proceed. — M.K., Toronto (June 2024)
Hello cousin Bill! I hope all is well with you. First off, I was fortunate to spend part of Pesach with my grandfather and I was able to read pretty thoroughly through your impressive work about our family. I appreciate how well organized it is, and how everything is neatly sourced. It was also wonderful to learn many new things about my ancestors and other relatives. . . . S.L., Florida (May 2024)
Hi Bill! I got my copy, thank you! You did a really titanic job and I found a lot of unknowns about my family. I’m awaiting a big adventure ahead, opening new and new stories. . . . I never knew about the history of my predecessors and it was a big surprise for me that I have a lot of relatives in Canada. I was visiting my dad’s cousin L. in New York in 2015 and he told me the story and after that sent me a few pages from the book in pdf with our chart. Last summer I visited Zhlobin and the pdfs that I had were a great help even though I didn’t find any signs of the family buildings. I’m going to meet my step brothers in Nashville in the middle of September and will take the book with me to show them. — V.R., Vancouver (formerly of Russia) (Aug 2023)
Hi Bill, I attended your presentation about your book One Hundred Years in Canada: the Rubinoff-Naftolin Family Tree at the IAJGS in Warsaw in 2018. I was very impressed so I purchased your book with the intention of studying your model, as I have been working on a family history for many years. . . . L.M. New York City (July 2022)
I visited my close friend K.G. today, who you might know is a member of your giant clan. She pulled out her copy of Rubinoff- Naftolin Family Tree and voila! What a comprehensive project that was. Amazing! — T.F., Toronto (June 2022)
My father was Rabbi B.R., who very recently passed away at the age of 94. A number of years ago I bought him your book for his birthday and we used to read it and look at the pictures together. He really enjoyed it. So did I . . . brought back memories . . . great book! Thanks! — M.A., Jerusalem (June 2021)
I have many times referred back to your book of our family. I just want you to know that I truly can tell what a labour of love this book must have been for you to compile. It truly is a masterpiece and something I am hoping my grandchildren will refer to as they grow older. I just wanted to reach out, many years after the fact, and say kol hakavod! — J.A., southern Ontario (Jan. 2021)
Hi Bill, I don’t think that you and I have met before, but my name is L. and I am the son of R. and V.R. I often look at the family tree book you authored and resort to it when I am asked, “Are you related to [fill in the blank]?” Thanks! — L.R., Toronto
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