
Update on ‘The Unbroken Chain’ (2023)

New Volumes Published March 30, 2023 Dr. Neil Rosenstein, author of the newly-updated The Unbroken Chain recently announced publication of new volumes in the massive work. Rosenstein is one of the foremost Jewish genealogists in America today, with an internationally acclaimed expertise in the genealogy of rabbinic dynastic families. The Unbroken Chain deals uniquely with…

Famous personalities in The Unbroken Chain

as compiled by Dr. Neil Rosenstein Karl Marx, German philosopher, critic of political economy, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary; Helena Rubinstein (“cosmetic queen”); Moses Mendelssohn (famous philosopher) and grandfather of composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy; Lawrence Zox, American artist, painter and printmaker Charles Mendelssohn-Horsfall, British societal portrait painter and his works were widely exhibited…

A Nazi Rally in Montreal, 1938

As reported in The Montreal Gazette (1938) This shocking photograph was taken at a fascist rally on Wellington Street, Montreal, on May 11, 1938. Inspired by Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party and Italy’s Fascists, Quebec’s National Socialist Christian Party was a strongly antisemitic and anticommunist group led by Adrien Arcand. Party enforcers were called blueshirts,…

Ben Gurion in Nova Scotia

by Dr Stuart E Rosenberg From The Canadian Jewish News, 1972 Here’s an interesting footnote to Jewish Canadiana. A very unusual episode, full of portent and prophecy for the future of Jews everywhere, was played out in a remote corner of the country, at an army base in Windsor, Nova Scotia. It was there that…

The CBC’s shame (1987)

From the Canadian Jewish News (editorial), 1987 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Founded half a century ago, the corporation has had, among its many mandates, the fostering of goodwill among Canadians all across our country. On Friday, January 30, the CBC violated that aspect of its mandate when it won the…

Baby born at sea amidst Ukrainian rescue

by Gaye Applebaum From the Canadian Jewish News, 1983 As the SS Hamilton Scandinavian docked at Quebec City on Aug. 21, 1921, a tremor of excitement surged through the rain-drenched crowd. On the ship’s deck huddled 108 frightened but excited Ukrainian Jewish children – all of them rescued war orphans from the devastated Polish Ukraine.…

A Jewish lawyer’s sage observations about divorce (1982)

From Canadian Jewish News, 1982 Marriage may be likened to a city besieged: those without despair of getting in, those within despair of getting out. – Abraham Drayanov I have often wondered who makes couples happier, the rabbis who marry them or the lawyers who obtain their divorce. But this sentiment notwithstanding, the smoothest of…

Cynthia Gasner z’l, community worker (CJN profile, 1986)

◊ Cynthia Gasner, who died in Toronto on November 9, 2022, touched the lives of many. This profile of her appeared in The Canadian Jewish News in 1986 after she was honoured as one of nine “Women of Valour” by State of Israel Bonds, Women’s Division. From the Canadian Jewish News, 1986 An admitted “super…

A Moravian Tax List of 1808

The Neu-Raussnitz Tax Book by Dr. Heinrich Flesch, translated, adapted and with an introduction by Patrick Gordis & Henry Wellisch Some 90 years ago, a Moravian rabbi and historian, Dr. Heinrich Flesch (1875-1942), annotated a list of Jews from Neu-Raussnitz, Moravia, who paid taxes in 1808, then used the annotated list as a basis for a…