Bill Gladstone

One More Reason Not to Vote Liberal: The SNC-Lavalin Affair

Remember Jody Wilson-Raybould? She’s the former Trudeauvian Minister of Justice and Attorney-General who — incredible as it sounds — insisted upon telling the truth, a course that must have seemed all but inconceivable to the PM and his appointed viziers. In her 2021 memoir, Indian In The Cabinet, Wilson-Raybould, an Indigenous Canadian who uses the…

One of Mengele’s experimental twins tells her story

From the Canadian Jewish News, 1995 ◊ Note: This article is being republished this week as a reminder of the eternal evil nature of “Amalek.” It was, finally, the melody of a Hebrew song that brought Sora Vigorito fully back into the Jewish fold. As a child, she had been tortured at Auschwitz. The Nazis…

Solomon Schecter and the Cairo Genizah

A windowless, doorless chamber, set high up into the wall of an antiquated synagogue and accessible only by ladder, is not normally the sort of place to which a traveller dreams of arriving. However, it was precisely such a room that Solomon Schechter, a Cambridge professor of Talmudic literature, was determined to reach when he…

Jordan Peterson’s journey to ‘We Who Wrestle with God’

Book Review: We Who Wrestle With God (2024) Almost a decade ago, Jordan Peterson listened to his own “still, small voice” and decided to take a strong moral stand, come hell or high water. Peterson was then a relatively obscure professor at the University of Toronto, who also taught at Harvard. His fierce objection to…

Jewish coats of arms

Originally appeared in The Canadian Jewish News The Rothschilds had one. The Disraelis had one. The Montefiore, Mocatta and Sassoon families each had one. And so, according to some interpretations, did each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Popular with the Jewish aristocracy in Europe since medieval times, Jewish coats of arms once seemed a…

Galilean museum showcases the Jesus Boat

Originally appeared in The Toronto Star Yuval Lufan has the craggy face and rough hands of a fisherman who goes out onto the Sea of Galilee nightly with lanterns that attract the fish into his nets. Born on the shores of the lake about 50 years ago, he says he has dreamed since he was…

The Maccabees & the Temple Mount

Dan Behat, the former chief archaeologist of Jerusalem, served as a senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University and has also taught extensively in Canada. He has lectured to Christian groups around the world on Jerusalem in the time of Jesus and was once invited by Pope John Paul II to do so at the Vatican. He…

Canada outlaws Hezbollah (2002)

From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2002 One year after passing anti-terrorism legislation, Canada’s Liberal Government has responded to an intense barrage of criticism by adding the Lebanese-based Shi’ite group Hezbollah to its list of outlawed terrorist entities. After months of insisting that the so-called “social” wing of Hezbollah does not deserve the terrorist label because…

Secular Humanism: Jews without God (1999)

From the Globe and Mail, November 1999 Rabbi Sherwin Wine of Birmingham Temple, Detroit, asserts that all of the patriarchs and prophets of ancient Israel are only myths — and so is the God of the Jewish people. Heretical utterances for a rabbi? Certainly, in any previous age. But today Rabbi Wine is the founder…