Tag: anti-semitism

One of Mengele’s experimental twins tells her story

From the Canadian Jewish News, 1995 ◊ Note: This article is being republished this week as a reminder of the eternal evil nature of “Amalek,” as represented during the days of WW2 by the Nazis, and in today’s world by the Hamas terrorist group. It was, finally, the melody of a Hebrew song that brought…

Report of 30,000 Jews massacred in Ukraine (1919)

Report from the Canadian Jewish Chronicle, 1919 Ukraine, the Scene of Wholesale Murder Since Last November. Whole Communities Wiped Out. Troops of Petliura and Grigorieff Principal Culprits. Bolshevik Troops Kill Many in Spite of Rigorous Measures of Their Commanders Authentic reports have reached this country of a series of massacres which have raged in the…

Anti-Jewish riots at Crystal Beach, Ont (1942)

Editor’s Introduction: Anyone who searches the phrase “Crystal beach racial disturbance” will come up with details of a brief race riot that occurred in the Ontario summer resort town in the summer of 1956. But news of an earlier “disturbance” — in the summer of 1942 — does not seem to come up at all.…

Naomi Klein: Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Faux-intellectual “No Logo” celeb Naomi Klein spoke at a “Seder In The Street” last month in New York City before about one hundred mostly adoring JINO (“Jewish-in-name-only”) fans. She shamelessly delivered an antisemitic screed that would have made many of the more discreet, country-club sort of antisemites blush. Klein began her remarks by attacking the…

Mulroney praises Israel, condemns Hamas

By Brian Mulroney  Brian Mulroney, Canada’s prime minister from 1984 to 1993, was awarded the World Jewish Congress’s Theodor Herzl Award in New York on November 9, 2023. This is an edited transcript of his remarks (courtesy sapirjournal.org). In his book Explaining Hitler, Ron Rosenbaum tells of Hitler, just prior to his suicide, as the Third…

A Nazi Rally in Montreal, 1938

As reported in The Montreal Gazette (1938) This shocking photograph was taken at a fascist rally on Wellington Street, Montreal, on May 11, 1938. Inspired by Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party and Italy’s Fascists, Quebec’s National Socialist Christian Party was a strongly antisemitic and anticommunist group led by Adrien Arcand. Party enforcers were called blueshirts,…

The CBC’s shame (1987)

From the Canadian Jewish News (editorial), 1987 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Founded half a century ago, the corporation has had, among its many mandates, the fostering of goodwill among Canadians all across our country. On Friday, January 30, the CBC violated that aspect of its mandate when it won the…

Baby born at sea amidst Ukrainian rescue

by Gaye Applebaum From the Canadian Jewish News, 1983 As the SS Hamilton Scandinavian docked at Quebec City on Aug. 21, 1921, a tremor of excitement surged through the rain-drenched crowd. On the ship’s deck huddled 108 frightened but excited Ukrainian Jewish children – all of them rescued war orphans from the devastated Polish Ukraine.…

Mutual Benefit: Toronto’s ‘Society’ doctors

by Irving B Rosen, MD, FRCSC Society doctors, like Harley Street specialists, evoke the image of the sought after, affluent doyen of their calling, courted by the high and mighty, who never question their high fees. Toronto had its society doctors who held sway for about fifty years from about 1900 to 1950. I became…

Meir Kahane in Montreal (1970)

From the Canadian Jewish News, May 22, 1970 The Montreal Jewish community is still discussing the relevance of the Jewish Defense League to this city following the recent successful meeting at the Sheraton Mount Royal Hotel. Theme of the meeting, sponsored by the Quebec branch of the League, was: A Jewish Survival Rally. The introduction,…