Tag: history

Three Minutes in Poland illuminates a lost world

Three Minutes in Poland: Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film, by Glenn Kurtz. Trade paperback, 420 pages. Published 2014 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. www.fsgbooks.com In the summer of 1938, the author’s American grandparents, David and Liza Kurtz, took a six-week European vacation that included a brief visit to a Polish town,…

Peddlars All: Ashkenazi Jewish settlers in Barbados

From Avotaynu, 2018 Peddlers All: Stories of the First Ashkenazi Jewish Settlers in Barbados, edited by Simon Kreindler. Trade paperback, softcover, 450 pages. US $35. Published privately in 2017 by the author; iamsimonkreindler @gmail.com The British colonized the Caribbean island of Barbados in 1627, and the first Jewish settlers arrived the following year. In 1654,…

The Jewish Oil Magnates of Galicia

Book Review: The Jewish Oil Magnates of Galicia (McGill-Queen’s) This 522-page hardcover volume combines two books in one. First, there is Valerie Schatzker’s non-fiction scholarly history from 1853 to 1945 of the almost-forgotten East Galician Jews who became early “wildcatters” and oil barons in one of the world’s first petroleum industries, concentrated in the region…

World of Our Fathers endures as a classic

Irving Howe (1920-1993), the New York intellectual who was a zealous socialist all of his life, received what he called his fifteen minutes of fame from a remarkable scholarly achievement that seemed a world apart from his leftist political convictions. His book, World Of Our Fathers, which was published in 1976, became a national bestseller…

History of Beth Lida Forest Hill Congregation

Note: In 2012, Beth Lida commissioned Bill Gladstone to write a detailed history of the congregation since its founding in 1912. While the 44-page booklet is now out of print, it is still available in PDF format, and easily downloadable for free from the link below. From the Introduction: In Toronto, as in many cities…

Zionism in Canada — A Century Ago (1922)

One century ago this summer (2022), the Canadian Zionist Convention drew delegates to Ottawa from all parts of Canada. As the Shanghai-China-based newspaper Israel’s Messenger reported, a keynote speech was given by our prime minister, MacKenzie King. “The address of Premier King has created a deep impression,” the newspaper reported. “It was punctuated with bursts…

Abella on Weisgal (1972)

Irving Abella, the author and former history professor who died on July 3, 2022 at age 82, wore many hats throughout his distinguished career. He was chair of Canadian Studies, the Shiff Professor of Canadian Jewish History, chair of Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East, chair of Canadian Jewish Archives, Governor of York…

The Tragic Tale of Simon Abeles

◊ From the Canadian Jewish News, March 2020 As Jews throughout history have been all too aware, tragedy, whether large or small, is never all that distant from the everyday realm of human affairs. This sad chain of events took place in Prague in 1693 and 1694. The central figure was a twelve-year-old boy named…

Helen Keller at Massey Hall, 1914

A WONDER WOMAN AT MASSEY HALL Helen Keller Spoke to Large Audience Who Were Spellbound. HER FAMOUS TEACHER Mrs. Macey Taught Blind, Deaf Mute to Speak and Hear. From the Toronto Star Weekly, January 1914 A magnificent audience almost filled Massey Hall last night, attracted by the appearance of Helen Keller and her almost as…

Herman Wouk (1915 – 2019)

Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of a 100-Year-old Author, by Herman Wouk (Simon & Schuster) ◊  Note: This review of Herman Wouk’s memoir was first published in 2016. Herman Wouk died on May 17, 2019, age 103. This slim volume, which the author describes as a “non-autobiography,” will be of special interest to people interested in…