Tag: toronto

Toronto foreigners and their banking (1906)

Even the children have their deposits — One lad of four opens his own account — Hard business to transact From the Toronto Daily Star, January 26, 1906 That Toronto in common with American cities has an increasing foreign population is shown in many ways, but in none more clearly than in the fact that…

Scandal: ‘kosher’ sausage is really treif (1919)

From the Canadian Jewish Chronicle, September 5, 1919 A very interesting decision was handed down last Sunday in the Jewish Court of Arbitration. The case was that of the S. Karsch Co., kosher sausage manufacturers. The company consists of two partners, Sam Karsh and Joseph Peverman. One of the partners accused the other of misappropriating…

Hard conditions inside a box factory (1913)

Children of the Factory were surprisingly happy From the Toronto Star Weekly, July 12, 1913 by Annie H. Crone When I awoke the second morning it was with an awful thought of the day before me. The weariness of the night before had developed into stiffness of the muscles and the mental fatigue into a…

Yom Kippur on University Avenue (1912)

From the Toronto Evening Telegram, September 12, 1912 Special Service conducted by Cantor Wladowsky With impressive ceremonial, with colour and light, and music of clear yet deep toned voices, special services for the Jewish New Year were celebrated in the University avenue synagogue this morning. Through windows within the vestibule you saw an audience of…

Profile: Elias Rogers, Canada’s “King Coal” (1913)

Fame and Fortune Came to Canada’s Biggest “King Coal” When He Fought American Trust Elias Rogers Began Life as Farm Lad in York County — Earned First Wages in a Lumber Yard — A Quaker by Faith — Once Ran for Mayor in Toronto From the Toronto Star Weekly, September 20, 1913 Passing along King…

Obit: Dr. Daniel Hill (1923-2003)

From the Globe and Mail, 2003 As a great-grandson of American slaves, Dr. Daniel Hill carried the lessons of universal equality and civil rights in his blood. Founding director of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and a former Ontario ombudsman, Dr. Hill is being remembered as a pioneer of the human rights movement in Canada…

Terrible Tales of Toronto Slums (1911)

Told by Dr. Hastings, MHO, in his report on slum inspection 22 People Live in cellars; water on the floors MHO would have city expropriate land around city for future city planning From the Toronto Star, July 5, 1911 Dr. Hastings, Medical Health Officer, in his report to the local Board of Health, cited three…

Need for playgrounds in ‘the Ward’ (1924)

From the Toronto Star, February 21, 1924 ◊ Note: this article refers to an undated clipping from the Star and harps on the theme of the crucial need for playgrounds where the many children of the Ward can safely play. It also refers to the “old Waterworks,” but at present I don’t know much about where…

Young Toronto Jews enter the professions (1929)

Professions claim young Jews; many rise to prominence Dr. Bessie Pullan Singer First Woman in Canada to Receive Degree of Doctor of Medicine From the Toronto Evening Telegram, January 2, 1929 ◊ Note: This is an interesting, albeit uneven story that focuses more on two prominent rabbis of the city than on the younger generation of…

Peddlers Are Not Thieves, says Alderman Salsberg (1938)

From the Toronto Star, September 8, 1938 Charges of petty thieving by peddlers were today discussed by the civic works committee. Alderman Salsberg demanded an explanation from the street cleaning commissioner, Harold Bradley, of his reported statement that licensed peddlers were guilty of such misdemeanors. He said that such statements, emanating from the head of…